17/05/2021 all day
Electronic Voting
CUPE 543



The Sub Unit Election will be by referendum on 17 May 2021 . Nominations will be accpeted by Email up until Friday 14 May 2021, at 3:00 PM (see further details below).


The election will be for the following positions that are vacant:


– Unit Chair

– Steward


All members wanting to run for a position will need a nominator.  All nominators and members standing for a position must be a member in good standing. Please check with CUPE 543 to make sure you are a member in good standing (sworn in and a current dues paying member). If you are not, please fill out a membership application (found on the home page) and submit it to CUPE 543 via Email: stisch@cupe543.ca.

There will be two opportunites to be sworn in and become a member in good standing:

  1. At the General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, 21 April 2021
  2. At the Special Membership Meeting  on Thursday, 13 May 2021

Membership applications must be submitted prior to one of the above meeting dates. Note that there is a $10.00 membership fee.

If you are interested in any of the above positions, please reach out to CUPE 543 to answer any questions.


Nominations will be accepted by Email to vote@cupe543.ca, until 14 May 2021, at 3:00PM . The Email must contain the following information:

  1. Name of the Nominator
  2. The position(s) you are nominating someone for
  3. Name of the Nominee
  4. Contact information of the Nominee
  5. Acknowledgment that the Nominator and Nominee have been previously sworn in and are current members in good standing.