CUPE Calls Code Red on SAMS code-red-300x156





Next ACTION Step:


March 12 is the four-month anniversary of the introduction of SAMS at Ontario Works and we want to make sure people know we’re still seeing RED over SAMS!

All CUPE members are asked to wear RED to work on Thursday, March 12, as a symbol of the urgency that SAMS is creating chaos in the workplace. Then e-mail, tweet and post photos of you and your colleagues sending out a CODE RED from your workplace – and don’t forget to tag ‪#‎CUPEON and link to CUPE Ontario’s Facebook page.

Let’s make Ontario Works offices a sea of red on March 12. It will help to send a clear message that the situation remains critical and that immediate support is needed in the workplace.

  1. SAMS email address:

They have created a dedicated e-mail address for members who work with SAMS and would like to share their experiences: comments about what you are currently experiencing in the workplace, SAMS’ effects on clients; and “impact statements” about your SAMS experience.

Send your words and pictures to; all correspondence will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

3. Write to your MPP They have prepared a draft letter for members to send to their MPPs, alerting them to the ongoing problems at Ontario Works and the concerns that members have as citizens, workers and taxpayers. You will be welcome to use the sample text or use your own words – ones that describe the impact of SAMS