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Support CUPE 543 members at Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation

We are CUPE Local 543 members working at the Windsor-Essex Community Housing Corporation. Our duties include administering, maintaining, and repairing affordable housing in Windsor and Essex County.

While we take pride in our work, we are facing low wages and unresolved workplace health and safety issues. These concerns have led us to vote in favor of a strike mandate during our current bargaining negotiations.

We are determined to fight for fair wages and improved working conditions. Join us in urging the Windsor-Essex Community Housing Corporation to return to the negotiating table and agree to a fair deal.

June 13th, 2024|

CUPE 543 Election Results

May 15th, 2024|

CUPE 543 Executive Board Elections on Wednesday, 15 May 2024, from 8:00AM-5:00PM

April 20th, 2024|

EMAL Runoff Election Results 25 May 2023

Results – CUPE 543
By-Election: Runoff for
Executive Member-At-Large

Executive Board Member-At-Large

BRAZEAU, Amanda 150 (50.9%)
PASTOVICH, Marnie 135 (49.2%)

Total 275

May 27th, 2023|

Executive Board Member-At-Large Results and Runoff Information

May 18th, 2023|

By-Election for Executive Board Member At Large 15 March 2023 8:00AM-5:00PM

February 21st, 2023|

Results of the Runoff Vote #2: By-Election for 2nd-Vice President

January 27th, 2023|

Runoff By-Election Results for 2nd-VP

2nd Vice-President (Choose ONE)

Option Votes
DIETZ (formerly Brown), Holly 157 (48.9%)
WATSON, Jessica 102 (31.8%)
GANNON, Jay 62 (19.3%)
Total 322
Abstain 1 (0.3%)
January 23rd, 2023|

Election Results for the 2nd Vp and Chief Steward By-Election

There will be a runoff on Monday. 23 January 2023 (8:00AM to 5:00PM) for 2nd Vp by Electronic Ballot.
Congratuations to Dustin Cozma on becoming Chief Steward
Results – CUPE 543 By-Election for 2nd Vice-President and Chief
2nd Vice-President
WATSON, Jessica 98 (32.5%)
DIETZ (formerly Brown), Holly 94 (31.1%)
GANNON, Jay 56 (18.5%)
BERG, Robert 54 (17.9%)
Total 306
Abstain 4 (1.3%)
Chief Steward
COZMA, Dustin 162 (54.0%)
PASTOVICH, Marnie 138 (46.0%)
Total 306
Abstain 6 (2.0%)
January 18th, 2023|

By-Elections for 2nd-VP and Chief Steward 18 January 2023

January 5th, 2023|